- NCVS IN THE NEWS: Dr. Ingo Titze is featured on the BBC Radio 3 program 'Singing Machines'. Hear the interview here: Singing Machines
- Along with Allen Henderson, Executive Director of The National Association of Teachers of Singing, Dr. Ingo Titze, Exective Director of NCVS, gave a presentation on 'The Aging Voice in Choral and Solo Settings' at the 2015 ACDA National Conference. Download the presentation here.
- Published articles featuring Dr. Ingo Titze research on "Study on the accuracy of voice votes in democracy" Click here to read the articles
- NCVS Associates Dr. Lynn Maxfield and Dr. Ingo Titze were at The Natural History Museum of Utah to be part of an event called Explore the Sounds of Science. Click here for the news story- Explore the Sounds of Science
- Channel 2 News interviewed Dr. Eric Hunter about the Aging Voice research paper. See it here
- A New York Times article is a follow up to the paper Dr. Eric Hunter wrote about the Aging Voice.
- Published in Science Magazine: How Low Can You Go - Physical Production Mechanism of Elephant Infrasonic Vocalizations by Christian Herbs with the Department of Cognitive Biology, University of Vienna, and contributing author, Ingo Titze.

The NCVS is a multi-site research and teaching organization dedicated to studying the characteristics, limitations and enhancements of human voice and speech.

New paper from Roger Chan, Ph.D. (6/12/2012)
Could Spatial Heterogeneity in Human Vocal Fold Elastic Properties
Improve the Quality of Phonation?
Sarah A. Klemuck, PhD - Recent interview with Malvern Instruments - Check it out (click here)
Tobias Riede, PhD.(Click to see bio)
Riede, T (2011) Of Humans and Alligators- By Tobias Riede, Isao T. Tokuda, and C. G. Farmer
Roger Chan Ph.D.(see bio here)
Roger Chan PhD, In voice research, in vitro tensile stretch experiments of vocal fold tissues are commonly employed to
determine the tissue biomechanical properties. (See full pdf here)
Scott L. Thomson Ph.D.
Identification of geometric parameters influencing the flow-induced vibration of a two-layer self-oscillating computational vocal fold model. (See full pdf here)
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