Martin Rothenberg
(right) makes a point with William Carey.
Left to right,
John Nix, Ron Scherer and Fari Alipour talk during a break
Kristen Wunderlich
and Steve Austin share a laugh.
The conference
room was packed for this presentation on voice acoustics.
Johan Sundberg
and Deirdre Michael talk during a break in the action.
Paul Coward
(left) and Clayne Robison talk shop.
Say 'formant'
instead of 'cheese!' - Diane Bolden-Taylor and Jurjaan Snelleman smile
for the camera.
Fred Martell,
Esther Hardenbergh and Jeanne Goffi-Fynn (and Jeanne's baby!) talk
it over after a presentation.
Kate Emerich
and Diane Bolden-Taylor (foreground) and Perry Smith and Ingo Titze
(background) visit during a break.
Lisa Popeil
talks with Brian Monson. |
Harm Schutte
(left) and Steven Bolster share a laugh. |
SVI grads Lynn
Helding (left) and Sue Buesgens catch up. |
James Daugherty
(left) and Graham Welch talk it over between presentations.
Melissa Malde
(left), Diane Bolden-Taylor and Esther Hardenbergh visit over refreshments.
Joe Wolfe and
Natalie Henrich share a laugh.
James Doing
(left), Dillon Parmer and Daniel Ihasz talk about Voce Vista. |
Ingo Titze explains
a concept to Raymond Walther. |
John Nix thanks
Viggio Pettersen for his presentation. |
 o |
Don Miller and
Suzanne Collins phonate in the foyer between sessions. |
Harm Schutte
(left), Johan Sundberg, Ingo Titze and Sten Ternström laugh it
up. |
Joe Wolfe (left)
and Sten Ternström talk shop. |
Harm Schutte
(left), Johan Sundberg and Ingo Titze visit together during a break
in the action. |
Ofer Amir smiles
for the camera. |
"You really
need to wear bowties, Ingo...they'll help you look taller!" -
Ingo Titze and Johan Sundberg get the giggles in a light moment between
sessions. |
Paul Kiesgen
(left) and Don Miller share a conversation before the next presentation.
PAS Wednesday
Evening performers Robert Spillman, piano, Mary Enid Haines, soprano,
and J.R. Fralick, tenor
photo: Karen Rogge-Milller |