Saturday's Afternoon Panel Discussion
Panel Moderator |
Paul Kiesgen |
Panel Members |
Mona Abaza, Kate Emerich, Graham Welch, Leon Thurman, [Harm Schutte],
Bill Reilly, Linda Carroll, Karen Wicklund, Deidre Michael (left
to right in following picture.) |
Picture of Panel |
Statement from Harm Schutte. |
Regarding the remark that ‘it is unreliable to derive the
frequency position of formants from a spectrogram’………click
on the Audio link for the statement. Audio
link. |
Panel Introduction by Moderator |
Paul Kiesgen - Introduction of panel format. Audio
link. |
In the professional voice team - including
the singer, singing teacher, choral director, speech pathologist,
singing-voice specialist and the laryngologists - What is the role
of each member of the team? And what is the communication of the
team? Audio link. |
Mona Abaza – A Laryngologist is actually a fellowship-trained
ENT doctor who spent additional years training. I think that’s
an important thing to remember because there are a lot of people
who are ENTs who’ve had long-term interests, and certainly
keeping in mind that the majority of fellowships are 10-15 years
old, the longest one is about 15 years old. There are not a lot
of people running around with actual training who took a year and
spent it with somebody. So you may not actually have direct access
to a laryngologist. There are a lot of people who are now starting
to get appropriate laryngology training, as more and more laryngologists
end up at academic centers. So I think it is important to have someone
at least with an interest and an understanding that a professional
singer, professional voice user is not the same thing as your grandmother
singing in her church choir, although it may be as important to
her, the issues, the technical issues in surgery and treatment are
very different. Somebody who has a grasp of that and finding somebody
you can work with who is also willing to learn from the people around
them. I’m not a singer, but during my fellowship I was required
to take singing lessons, and it gave me an understanding of the
patients I was going to treat, and it helped me to be able to ask
what they were doing with their singing teacher and understand what
that meant. So the person you work with doesn’t have to be
world-class everything, but they do need to have the desire to learn
from you and other people around, I think every member of the team
has something to contribute. I tend to be the face they look at
to tell them the answers, but I don’t necessarily have all
the answers, but I’m willing to be educated by those around
me that do. Audio link. |
Kate Emerich – The speech language pathologist and singing
voice specialist aids in sometimes differential diagnosis. If Dr.
Abaza or the laryngologist you are working with cannot get a flexible
or rigid endoscopy done, then oftentimes, I will do some trial therapy
to get the larynx in a position where she can get a scope in to
visualize the vocal folds. I also am the person who does the acoustic
assessment some of the time in the voice lab setting, and also the
voice assessment, singing voice assessment and treatment if it is
appropriate. Dr. Abaza takes care of the medical treatment. I will
create a treatment plan for the singer (if I’m working with
a singer), then depending on the vocal folds that I’m dealing
with, we’ll create a treatment plan with both speech and singing
voice exercises. That can be 3-4 months or longer, depending on
the problem. Audio link. |
Graham Welch – My comment is not from any of those perspectives,
but from visiting various clinics, including my first visit to the
NCVS in Iowa, and the developments that have gone on in the UK over
the last 10 years. I referred this morning to Engeström’s
work in activity theory. This grew out of hospital/clinical studies
in Scandinavia, particularly Finland, where they discovered that
there were multiple perspectives in what the patients needs were.
[….remaining in audio link….]. Audio
link. |
Leon Thurman – My context is that I am employed in a hospital
setting/medical center. There is an entity called Fairview Voice
Center that’s part of rehabilitation services at Fairview-University
Medical Center. My colleague at other end (referring to D. D. Michael)
is at the university campus and I’m at the riverside campus.
My speech-pathologist colleague and I work with people with diagnosed
voice disorders, diagnosed most of the time by ear-nose-throat physicians,
sometimes primary care physicians, and referred to us. I’ve
seen the people who are singers or actors, people who, shall we
say, "use their voice in athletic ways", clergy, etc.
I participate under the guidance of a speech pathologist; I participate
in the therapeutic care of those patients. And at the same time
I do what we refer to as voice education – singing or speech
lessons, etc. My title is specialist voice educator. Specialist
in the sense that a voice educator, so-called "non-specialist"
voice educator might be a person that might not have a background
to work in a quasi-therapeutic type setting. […click on the
audio link for remaining text…]. Audio
link. |
Karen Wicklund – Just briefly, coming at it from the view
of just a singing teacher, although I almost have a masters in speech
pathology now, but there are singing teachers only who assist the
team as well. They may be singing teachers who really rely on what
the SLP and otolaryngologists are helping them with. They also are
the point of entry; the singing teacher is often the person that
hears the voice first and says ‘gee, I think you need to see
the doc’. Also you should know if you are a singing teacher
and do not have an SLP background, your services are not reimbursable,
and the singer has to pay out of pocket, at least at this point,
that is one other reason I’m getting my SLP degree. Audio
link. |
Bill Reilly – Just to more clearly define what our teams
are…all headliner research scientist do study voice, and several
has been to my studio and taken a lesson. Our team structure is
that the point of entry is the laryngologist’s office. All
who want to go through this voice regime are required to work with
both a speech pathologist and a voice trainer, usually me, often
others. The other team members include physical therapists, massage
therapists, acupuncturists; psychotherapy is required for many of
them and hypnotherapy is very helpful in other cases. […listen
to audio link for full answer.] Audio
link. |
Linda Carroll – I wanted to go back a little bit to some
of the other things that the team is critical with an individual
that is having a voice disorder. Think about the environment that
a patient goes to when they first go to the laryngologist's office
and they admit yes, they’re having a problem. The lighting
is severe and so is their reaction sometimes. I think that sometimes
it’s difficult for a laryngologist in the brief time they
typically have in their schedule to see the patient to get a full
profile as to what’s really going on with this patient to
find out "are there any other factors that precipitated this
voice problem?" [….listen to audio link for full answer…]
Audio link. |
Deidre Michael – I don’t have a whole lot to add to
that. As the singing teacher and the speech language pathologist
on our team, I actually do gather all of the history. That history
does include all of the medical stuff and also the little repertoire
things. I’m the one that can get to the ‘oh, it is that
phrase that is getting to you, I understand what that is’
and the otolaryngologist doesn’t need to hear that, I know
how to truncate that for him and say ‘this is what is up’.
The singer can spend ½ hour giving that to me, and I can
give it to him in one sentence. The other thing that happens is
in the course of treatment, then, things do come up and I become
the liaison for all those other team members; that also can include
the GI Specialist, a visit to the TMD Clinic, the Feldenkrais specialist,
all of those, and I’m the one to invite the singing teacher
to "please come in to sessions and watch what we are doing
and let me talk to you about where do we go" in the terms of
the singing lesson from the singing lesson. Audio
link. |
Mona Abaza – The patient probably believes it’s me,
but it isn’t me, because quite honestly, I have the least
amount of time in my schedule to see them. They come in; this is
a big admission: “I’ve got a voice problem, I was sent
here.” I stick this large thing down their nose, and I stick
a rigid object in their throat, and they’ve got a monitor,
and they’re staring up and they’re not blind and they
see ‘the mass’ or ‘the problem’. They see
that, and nothing else out of my mouth do they hear, quite honestly
they hear every third word out of my mouth, so I need someone else
to take the history, gather information, coordinate things, and
who hopefully the patient will confide in. […listen to audio
link for full answer]. Audio link. |
Kate Emerich – The nice thing about being in such close
contact with the team, is that as a speech pathologist and the singing
voice specialist, I see these patients weekly. So I can find out
‘how are you doing with your reflux meds’ and ‘how
are you doing in general’. Because they see me on a weekly
basis, they have confidence in me and trust me. [Listen to audio
link for full answer..] Audio
link. |
Bill Reilly – Actually, not all of us are in close proximity.
When I was working with Dr. Gould, I was actually in his office,
but now I’m working more with another doctor and I’m
not in her office, but we do communicate several times a week. We
have to teach the patient to assume an active role in communication.
Whenever a patient visits me, I make sure I’m calling the
doctor during that session so the patient gets a confidence to know
that we’re in communication. The doctor will pick up for me
when I call since I have built a team with relationships that work
well. Audio link. |
Leon Thurman – Just a quick comment – one key element
about a team concept is that all members of the team listen to each
other, trust each other and take into consideration the various
perspectives about every patient and so forth. I’ve been associated
in certain circumstances when that has not been the case and it
is not helpful to anyone including the people called patients. Audio
link. |
Commentary, Paul Kiesgen – I think
it seems clear that building relationships seems to be the strongest
message out of all of this, and I think you would all advise to
build the relationship before we need it. To get to know the people
in the community, just introduce yourself and get to know them so
that when you need them you can make that contact. Audio
link. |
Filipa Lã - I saw a lot of
specialists working in this team, I think this is great, but I
was wondering why you don’t also include an endocrinologist?
Because 25% of voice disorders are related to hormone inbalances,
and there are women with hypo-thyrodism function that causes the
voice disorders, I think from my point of view, as a singer it
would be very important also to have an endocrinologist on the
team. Because the problem is not always in the source; it could
be in other parts of the body. Audio
link. |
Linda Carroll. Audio
link. |
Lynn Helding – What happens
to the person when they are no longer a patient? That leads me
to the question of where we are with the singing voice specialist
as a subfield? We all know that therapy is short-lived, it is
often covered by insurance, but usually only 4-6 visits; then,
if the professional voice user goes back to the same teacher or
same situation, they are likely to show up in another year with
the same problem. Audio
link. |
Linda Carroll. Audio
link. |
Mona Abaza. Audio link. |
Karen Wicklund. Audio
link. |
Bill Reilly. Audio
link. |
Irene Feher – I think also,
too, as a general education, we at McGill University, the Music
faculty has established a wonderful relationship with the McGill
University Health Center. We have a vocal area meeting where two
prominent laryngologists from Montreal came and educated and spoke
with the students as a group. The more I’m seeing this,
I’m thinking this is a good relationship to establish with
universities or faculties; do your groups do these kinds of things
as well? Audio link. |
Deidre Michael. Audio
link. |
Comment, unidentified audience member
– Just a comment, built out of personal experience, when
I first started to teach at my university, the health services
would not even listen to me. They wouldn’t even grant that
I was doing anything. Gradually, they came to trust the voice
teacher. Now, I keep telling them “I’m not a doctor,
please sent that person to this laryngologist”, or whatever.
Last year, our health services at the university tried to get
me to speak at the Association of College Health Services, and
that association deemed it ‘not a worthy subject’.
So if anybody in this room has pull to get anybody knowledgeable
in that to start to talk to the college health services, especially
if they have theatre and music departments, they have to be on
board here, that’s a critical area. Audio
link. |
Deidre Michael. Audio
link. |
[Comment] unidentified audience member
– No matter how elaborate the team, it all boils down to
the fact that the most important member is the patient, and if
they’re not compliant, then it’s all for naught. Maybe
that boils down to education as well. Audio
link. |
