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Isabelle Cossette – At the beginning you talked
about the oblique muscles and the intercostals muscles. I was wondering
how you differentiated the activity of the different intercostals
muscles and the oblique and transverse, because those are thin sheets
that are superimposed, and it's very difficult in fact with EMG to
differentiate them. Audio link. |
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Isabelle Cossette – I was wondering if you took into account
the distortion of the chest wall because with the respi-trace you
cannot really see how the chest wall is distorted. […listen
to audio for remainder.] Audio
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Jim Doing – It seems like we can change the trapezius maybe
most of any of those things, and you talked about biofeedback, can
you give us a few tips? In a voice lesson, what kind of biofeedback
can we give in a short amount of time that will help them do that?
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