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Perry Smith – Not quite clear
on what you said about proprioceptive awareness in the singer. My
question then becomes, when you are working with groups of singers,
and you occlude the oral sound that they hear of their own voices,
does this change the type of production that they use when they
give scientists the results; and when a singer is singing in an ensemble,
and cannot hear themselves, what happens? Audio
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Audio link. |
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Ingo Titze – I’m interested to see if you have the
converse of what you showed in the Richard Miller’s case (when
you looked at his voice and in fact couldn’t see the folds
because the epilarynx tube was so narrow). I believe - I have a good
reason to believe that for some singers that that is the appropriate
adjustment. Do you see it the other way, too, where some that you
would test, pull the tongue out a little bit and open everything
up and they say ‘ah, this is good for me and I like this configuration
and that’s the way I would sing’? Audio
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Audio link. |
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John Nix – I think Steve Austin is going to touch on this,
on how we, semantically, as voice teachers get some of these ideas
of the narrowing of this epilaryngeal area across. I doubt
very seriously to any of my students, particularly the males, that I
would say "you need to narrow that down, you need to constrict
there right over the larynx", if anything the sensation they
feel is the dialation above that, and they feel that open, fat feeling,
not the constriction. […listen to the audio link for the remaining
comments.] Audio link. |
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Garyth Nair – This is a quasi comment/question. It would
be interesting to see the differential between what you are hearing
internally through your bone bridge and what you are hearing through
your ears in the noisy MRI or, as the gentleman pointed out, in
the chorus; we receive a vast amount of information internally.
For instance, in our lab we set up an experiment where we found
that the skew between what the singer was perceiving internally
and what the radiated signal was was off by about 55%. So it would
be interesting to do the same sorts of things and try to parcel
this out. Audio link. |
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Audio link. |
