Strategic goals of the NCVS
To expand educational programs
To advocate for healthy voice use
To improve clinical service

Mission Statement
The National Center for Voice and Speech conducts research, educates vocologists, disseminates information about voice and speech, and provides referral services in order to help people around the world enjoy healthy and effective vocal communications.
In carrying forth its mission, the National Center for Voice and Speech strives to cultivate and develop positive and effective relationships; it provides leadership in making a compelling case for support and research on the human voice.
National Center for Voice and Speech Objectives
- To serve as a multi-site consortium of researchers, clinicians and teachers dedicated to studying the protection, enhancement and rehabilitation of the human voice and speech.
- To conduct research and translate its findings into practical applications for other scientists, clinicians, voice instructors and occupational voice users;
- To provide referrals in voice and speech across the country and around the world;
- To provide leadership in understanding the complexity of voice and speech production and how to contribute to its care;
- To create internships for future researchers and clinicians;
- To provide training to professional voice users through workshops;
- To educate vocologists through the Summer Vocology Institute.
Historical Notes
The National Center for Voice and Speech (NCVS), conceived as a "center without walls," was formally organized in 1990 with the assistance of a grant from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. The grant proposal was initiated in response to a request for applications for National Multi-Purpose Research and Training Centers for the newly-established Institute.
Four organizations composed the original NCVS consortium: The University of Iowa, Denver Center for the Performing Arts, The University of Wisconsin-Madison, and The University of Utah.
The NCVS was organized on the premise that a consortium of institutions is better able to acquire and maintain resources to fulfill the global mission of the sponsors than a single organization. NCVS members, although geographically separate, were linked by a common desire to fully understand the characteristics, limitations and enhancement of human voice and speech. They maintained cohesiveness by exploiting contemporary communications technology, inter-site training responsibilities, periodic conferences, and shared resources.
In 1999, the Institute rescinded the Multi-Purpose Research and Training Center funding mechanism. In a July 2000 meeting, however, NCVS investigators voted unanimously to continue the concept of a national resource center for voice and speech, to be driven by a variety of single-project research awards (R01's), as well as health communication, core, and training grants.
The administrative offices for the NCVS are located at the University of Utah.