Vocology: by |
The Myoelastic Aerodynamic Theory of Phonation
Principles of Voice Production
The Continuing Influence of Ingo R. Titze on Voice, Science, and Music: A Festschrift Collection |
Fascinations with the Human Voice
(Chinese Version) Fascinations with the Human Voice by |
If you are intersted in adopting any of the books listed above as textbooks
or if you want to purchase more than three,
please contact titzebooks@gmail.com for more information.
VOCOLOGY - The Science and Practice of Voice Habilitation
by Ingo R. Titze, PhD and Katherine Verdolini Abbott
Vocology is a book intended for practitioners who wish to change vocal behavior. This astonishing collaboration of two of the most renowned voice experts, “VOCOLOGY”, offers an equal amount of theory and application for those looking to embed voice specialty into their program. Whether your profession be music, theater, speech language pathology, otolaryngology, or voice science. ISBN# 978-0-9834771-1-2
Book Erratum (pdf)
Table of Contents
First 10 pages of Chapter 10 (pdf sample)
Looking to teach Vocology in the classrooms,
email titzebooks@gmail.com to discuss volume (wholesale) pricing.
For further info - More Info (pdf)
Volume Order Form - Download PDF and Fax

The Continuing Influence of Ingo R. Titze on Voice, Science, and Music: A Festschrift Collection
The honoring of a great man through a compilation of essays. This book is a way for individuals to pay tribute to the leadership and guidance that the honoree has given to the world.
The participants are doctoral students, post-docs, trainees, and other mentees.

The Myoelastic Aerodynamic Theory of Phonation
by Ingo R. Titze, PhD
mathematical contributions by Fariborz Alipour
Now in print and ready for shipping... This book is written for the benefit of voice and speech scientists who use principles of physics, mathematics, and engineering to understand and simulate the mechanical processes of phonation. Because it summarizes and assembles fragments of a theory that was developed over half a century, scattered over many journals, it should be of particular value to scientists who enter the field. Often the process of gathering articles, unifying mathematical notation, understanding the many assumptions, and removing redundancies consumes much time in the initial phase of getting acquainted with a new field. I hope this book will shorten that process. - Ingo R. Titze ISBN # 978-0-87414-156-6
This book contains 7 chapters, and over 430 pages
$125.00 plus shipping
Standard shipping to the U.S. = $10.00 USD
International Economy Shipping = $25.00 USD
Principles of Voice Production
Ingo Titze, PhD
2nd Printing
Published in paperback by the National Center for Voice and Speech, Dr. Ingo R. Titze's text presents a set of scientific principles that apply to all aspects of voice production. The text launches a cross-disciplinary exploration into the physics and physiology of voice production, mechanisms and applied uses and concerns of the voice. Dr. Titze includes a comprehensive treatment of the physical and physiological principles underlying human voice disorders and voice training, emphasizing physical law rather than empirical observation.
ISBN # 0-87414-122-2
Table of Contents
$90.00 plus shipping
Standard shipping to the U.S. = $10.00 USD
International Economy Shipping = $25.00 USD

Fascinations with the Human Voice
by Ingo R. Titze, PhD
Fascinations with the Human Voice is a book for anyone interested in voice. Teachers, choir instructors, actors, singers and public speakers can use this book to better understand their voice and how to properly use it. Dr. Ingo R. Titze has summarized his lifelong love and knowledge of the vocal arts and the vocal sciences to provide a wealth of knowledge that can be easily read and understood. It is 60 pages and full of illustrations, so besides providing in-depth information it also serves well as a coffee table book and reference material, for class or library use. We invite everyone with a fascination for voice to learn from this publication; we know you will find it compelling and educational. ISBN # 978-0-615-37174-0
$30.00 plus shipping
Standard shipping to the U.S. = $10.00 USD
International Economy Shipping = $25.00 USD
Ingo R. Titze, PhD
Faszination Stimme ist ein Buch für jeden, der an der Stimme interessiert ist. Das Buch liefert auch für Lehrer, Chorleiter, Sänger oder Leute, die oft vor grossem Publikum sprechen, wichtige neue Erkenntnisse zur Stimmbildung und zum richtigen Gebrauch der Stimme. Dr. Ingo Titze hat hier seine lebenslange Liebe und Erfahrung mit den Stimmkünsten und der wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung der Stimme zusammengefasst. Das Buch liefert eine Fülle von wissenswerten Fakten auf leichtverständliche Art und Weise. Die 60 Seiten des Buches sind reich bebildert und liefern ebenso genaues Detailwissen. Das Buch ist deshalb sowohl für’s Wartezimmer also auch als Referenzmaterial im Klassenraum oder in der Bibliothek geeignet. Wir laden jeden mit einer Faszination für die Stimme ein mit diesem Buch mehr und Neues zur Stimme zu lernen. Wir sind sicher, dass Sie das Buch genauso fesselnd wie lehrreich finden werden.
Ingo R. Titze, Ph.D.
Este libro es una mirada a las fascinaciones que adquirí durante una mitad de siglo estudiando la voz humana. Estoy convencido de que muchas personas alrededor del mundo han experimentado similares maravillas con su propio órgano productor de sonido. A continuación hay una serie de imágenes y descripciones que elucidan esta maravilla.
Fascinations with the Human Voice (Chinese Version)
Ingo R. Titze, Ph.D.
Ingo R. Titze, FT
Tämä kirja on katsaus niihin lumoaviin seikkoihin, joita olen oppinut puolivuosisataisen ihmisäänen tutkimusurani aikana. Olen varma siitä, että monet ihmiset ympäri maailmaa ovat samalla tavoin kummastelleet oman äänentuottoelimistönsä toimintaa. Seuraavassa on sarja kuvia ja kuvauksia, jotka valottavat äänen arvoituksia.
by Ingo R. Titze
2nd Printing
Published in paperback by the National Center for Voice and Speech, Dr. Ingo R. Titze's text presents a set of scientific principles that apply to all aspects of voice production. The text launches a cross-disciplinary exploration into the physics and physiology of voice production, mechanisms and applied uses and concerns of the voice. Dr. Titze includes a comprehensive treatment of the physical and physiological principles underlying human voice disorders and voice training, emphasizing physical law rather than empirical observation.
$90.00 plus shipping
Standard shipping to the U.S. = $10.00 USD
International Economy Shipping = $25.00 USD
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Shannon Titze at titzebooks@gmail.com or telephone
801-596-2012 between 8:00 am - 4:30 pm, MST.
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