2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2000-2005 | 1990-1999 | 1975-1989
Titze, I.R. "Getting The Most From The Vocal Instrument In A Choral Setting" Choral Journal (In press). (pdf)
Alipour F and Jaiswal S. "Glottal Airflow resistance in Excised Pig, sheep and cow larynges" Journal of Voice (in press).
Alipour F and Jaiswal S. Phonatory characteristics of excised pig, sheep, and cow larynges. J Acoust Soc Am . 2008 Jun; 123 ( 6 ): 4572-81.
Alipour F, Finnegan EM, Scherer RC. "Aerodynamic and acoustic effects of abrupt frequency changes in excised larynges," JSLHR (in review).
Finnegan EM and Alipour F. "Phonatory effects of supraglottic structures in excised canine larynges," Journal of Voice (in press).
Finnegan, E.M., Kochis-Jennings, K., Hoffman, H.T., and Titze, I.R. (in review). Measures of laryngeal and respiratory activity applied to a model of pitch control. J. Speech, Language Hearing Research.
Fox, C., Ramig, L., Halpern, A., & Petska, J., Will, L. (in press). A Speech Therapy Home Program for Patients with Parkinson's Disease. In Trail, M., Protos, E, & Lai, E (Eds). Neurorehabilitation in Parkinson's Disease: An Evidence Based Treatment Model. SLACK Inc. Professional Book Division, Thorofare, NJ.
Fox, C., Ramig, L., Sapir, S., Farley, B., Halpern, A., & Petska, J. (in press). Voice and Speech Disorders in Parkinson Disease and their Treatment. In Trail, M., Protos, E, & Lai, E (Eds). Neurorehabilitation in Parkinson's Disease: An Evidence Based Treatment Model. SLACK Inc. Professional Book Division Thorofare, NJ
Laukkanen, A-M., Titze, I.R., Finnegan, E., and Hoffman, H. (in press). Effects of semi-occluded vocal tracts on laryngeal muscle activity and glottal impedance. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopedica.
Popolo, P., and Titze, I.R. Qualification of a quantitative laryngeal imaging system using videostroboscopy and videokymography. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol . 2008 Jun; 117 ( 6 ): 404-12 .
Roy Chowdhury, P., Klemuk, S., Titze, I.R., and Kumar, V. (in press). Effects of fabrication parameters on viscoelastic shear modulus of 2,3 dialdehydecelluose membranes - potential scaffolds for vocal fold lamina propria tissue engineering. J. Biomedical Materials
Sapir, S., Ramig, L., Spielman, J., Fox, C. (submitted). Formant Centralization Ratio (FCR) as an acoustic index of dysarthric vowel articulation: Comparison with vowel space area in Parkinson disease and healthy aging. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research.
Titze, I.R. (2008). The human instrument. Scientific American. 298(1): 94-101.
Titze, IR, Riede, T, Popolo, P (2008): Nonlinear source-filter interaction in phonation - vocal exercises Vocal exercises to determine nonlinear source-filter interaction. J Acoustical Soc of Am. 123(4): 1902-1915.
Titze, IR (2008): Nonlinear source-filter interaction in phonation - theory. J Acoustical Soc of Am 123(5): 2733-2749.
Titze, I.R., Laukkanen, A-M., Finnegan, E., Probst-Fuja, M., and Hoffman, H. (in press). Acoustic and electromyographic analysis of vocal giggle. J. Voice.
Alipour F, Jaiswal S, and Finnegan EM. (2007). "Aerodynamic and Acoustic Effects of False Folds and Epiglottis in Excised Larynx Models," Annals of Otology Rhinology, and Laryngology 116(2):135-144.
Alipour F and Scherer RC. (2007). "On Pressure-Frequency Relations in the Excised Larynx," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 122(4), 2296-2305.
Riede, T, Arcadi, AC, Owren, MJ. (2007). Nonlinear acoustics in pant hoots and screams of common chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes): Vocalizing at the edge. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 121: 1758-1767.
Sapir, S., Spielman, J., Ramig, L., Fox, C. (2007). Changes in vowel acoustics and intelligibility following intensive voice treatment in Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 50, 899-912.
Spielman J, Halpern A, Ramig L, Fox C. (2007). Studying emergence of behavioral changes during one month of intensive voice treatment (LSVT) in a person with Parkinson's disease. Movement Disorders, 22 (Suppl. 16), p S181-182.
Spielman, J., Ramig, L., Will, L., Halpern, A., Petska, J. (2007). Effects of LSVT-Extended (LSVT-X) on voice and speech in Parkinson disease. American Journal of Speech Language Pathology,16, 95-107.
Titze, I.R. (2007). Source-filter interaction in speaking and singing is nonlinear. Echoes 17(3): 1-3.
Titze, I.R., Hunter, E.J., Svec, J.G. (2007). Voicing and Silence Periods in Daily and Weekly Vocalizations of Teachers. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 121(1):469-78.
Titze IR, Laukkanen AM. (2007). Can vocal economy in phonation be increased with an artificially lengthened vocal tract? A computer modeling study. Logoped Phoniatr Vocol. 32: 147-56.
Titze, I.R., Laukkanen, A-M., Finnegan, E., Probst-Fuja, M., and Hoffman, H. (2007). Acoustic and electromyographic analysis of vocal giggle. J. Voice.
Titze, I.R., Hunter, E.J. (2007). A two-dimensional biomechanical model of vocal fold posturing. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 121 (4).
Alipour F and Scherer RC. (2006). "Characterizing Glottal Jet Turbulence," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 119(2), 1063-1073.
Abaza, M. Spielman, J. (2006). The Larynx in Parkinsons disease, In A. Merati & S. Bielamowicz (Eds.), Textbook of Laryngology (239-246). New York City: Plural Publishing.
Carroll, T., Nix, J., Hunter, E., Emerich, K., Titze, I., and Abaza, M. (2006). Objective measurement of vocal fatigue in classical singers: A vocal dosimetry pilot study. Otolaryngol.Head Neck Surg. 135 (4):595-602.
Chan, R., and Titze, I.R. (2006). Dependence of phonation threshold pressure on vocal tract acoustics and vocal fold tissue mechanics. J. Acoust. Soc.Amer. 119 (4), 2351-2362.
Cole, R., Halpern, A., Lorraine, R., Van Vuuren, S., Ngampatipatpong,N., Yan, J. (2006). A Virtual Speech Therapist for Individuals with Parkinson's Disease. Educational Technology, V 47 (1), pp. 51-55.
Fuja, T.J., Ostrem, E., Probst-Fuja, M., and Titze, I.R. (2006). Differential cell adhesion to vocal fold extracellular matrix components. Matrix Biology 25, 2240-251.
Hunter, E.J., Alipour, F., Titze, I.R. (2006). Sensitivity of Elastic Properties to Measurement Uncertainties in Laryngeal Muscles with Implications for Voice Fundamental Frequency Prediction. J Voice. 20(4):513-26.
Nix, J., Švec, J., Laukkanen, A-M., and Titze, I.R. (2006). Protocol challenges for on-the-job voice dosimetry of teachers in the United States and Finland. J. of Voice 20(4)
Titze, I.R. (2006). Voice training and therapy with semi-occluded vocal tracts: rationale and scientific underpinnings. J.Speech Language Hearing Research.49(2): 448-459.
Titze, I.R. (2006). Theoretical analysis of maximum flow declination rate versus maximum area declination rate in phonation. J. Speech Language and Hearing Research. 49(2): 439-447.