Director of NCVS Archives and
Associate Professor at the Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders at Michigan State University
Eric J. Hunter is an Associate Professor at the Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders at Michigan State University. Dr. Hunter previously spent more than a decade with the NCVS and will continue to assist the NCVS with both archiving and preparing for dissemination the immense amount of research data collected by the NCVS over the last several decades. Dr. Hunter served as the Deputy Executive Director of the NCVS from 2008 to 2013.
Dr. Hunter is on the board of editors of The Open Acoustics Journal (Bentham Science Publishers) and the International Journal of Research in Choral Singing. He is also a member of the American Physical Society, the Acoustical Society of America, and the American Society of Biomechanics.
After receiving his B.S. and M.S. in Physics, he received the National Research Service Award traineeship to complete his PhD in Speech and Hearing Science from The University of Iowa. Dr. Hunter now uses this background in physics and acoustics to study all aspects of the voice mechanism (anatomy, biomechanics, acoustics, etc).
Link to abbreviated CV (pdf)
Research Interests:
- Occupational and habilitative speech science
- Aging effects on voice
- Gender differences in vocal health
- Biomechanics of speech articulators (specifically the larynx and laryngeal muscle mechanics)
- Vibration and posturing models of the vocal system
- Muscle mechanics and muscle models
- Biomechanical properties of tissues
- Signal processing
Broader Academic Interests:
- Human Vibration Exposure
- Psychoacoustics
- Speech Perception
- Musical Acoustics
Teaching Experience:
- Acoustics
- Speech Science
- Hearing Science
- Voice Instrumentation
- Musical Acoustics
Broader academic interests include: psychoacoustics, recording techniques, speech perception, musical acoustics, integrated circuit processes creation, machine recognition of speech.