Executive Director
- One of the world's leading voice scientists
- Published over 400 articles on voice
- Author of "Principles of Voice Production" - used worldwide as an introductory text, and translated into multiple languages.
- Author of "The Myoelastic Aerodynamic Theory of Phonation" – used by engineers and physicists
- Author of "Fascinations with the Human Voice" - written for the general public
- Co-Author of "Vocology" – written for clinicians and vocal pedagogues
- University of Iowa Foundation Distinguished Professor of Speech Science and Voice
- Degrees in Electrical Engineering (B.S.E.E., M.S.) and Physics (Ph.D.)
- Singing teacher; regular contributor to Journal of Singing
- Fellow of Acoustical Society of America, American Speech Language Hearing Association, American Laryngological Association (ResearcherID.com)
- Silver Medalist, Acoustical Society of America
- Bi-lingual (German, English) and bi-cultural (born in Germany)
- Singer of multiple styles - opera, Broadway, pop Music Downloads
- Inventor of Pavarobotti, the singing robot
- Founding Member, Pan American Vocology Association
For a partial - but continuously updated - list of Dr. Titze's publications, explore the National Library of Medicine's website, PubMed.
To download Dr. Titze's music click here: TITZE MUSIC
Contact in Utah
ingo.titze@ncvs.org | 801.596.2012
Contact at The University of Iowa (September - December)
ingo-titze@uiowa.edu | 319.335.6600