SVI Curriculum and Schedule
The SVI curriculum mirrors the required courses for the vocology track at The University of Utah. Courses are offered in three blocks. Block 1 is a prerequisite for the courses in Block 2, which is a prerequisite for Block 3. If the participant wishes, the blocks may be spread over several summers, which is particularly convenient for working professionals.
Principles of Voice Production (3 semester credits)
Instructor: Ingo Titze
Basic physical, physiological, and pedagogical principles are presented to help students understand professional, nonprofessional, and impaired voice production. Additional areas of exploration include: vocal anatomy, voice classification, control of loudness, pitch, register, and quality as well as efficient and inefficient use of voice.Note: This class is science based and may be difficult for those who have not taken math in a while. Please see the attached SVI Math Review document to determine if this course is right for you.
Instrumentation for Voice Analysis (2 semester hours)
Instructors: Lynn Maxfield
The use of glottographic, videostroboscopic, electromyographic, aerodynamic, and acoustic analysis for assessment of vocal and respiratory function are presented. The use of these techniques in conjunction with perceptual evaluation of voice is also discussed.Voice Habilitation (2 semester hours)
Instructor: TBD
The application of methods of intervention is presented in the development, training, and habilitation of vocal behavior. Motor learning and the efficacy of treatment strategies are also taught. Finally, factors affecting compliance with recommended therapy are explored.
Voice for Performers (2 semester hours)
Instructor: TBD
A comparison of kinesthetic techniques for the singing/acting voice through a practical exploration of relaxation, posture, breathing, tone quality, diction, and interpretation. The student will gain an understanding of diverse methods of voice training in both singing and acting with practical application to their own voice use.
Class is typically 2-3 hours each day Monday through Friday. Given the intensive pace of the coursework, open hours are typically devoted to individual/group study and homework. Classes typically take place in the morning and run to the early afternoon.
Questions: Contact
Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders and the Department of Music
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